Wellness Programs
Kinney Physical Therapy & Wellness offers a wide range of services that create the opportunity to break through to your best self.
Our Services
Body Rehabilitation Training
From Victim to Victory. This step gives you the tools to overcome pain, tightness, and weakness. Move towards a “back to living life” mindset.
Body Performance Training
A unique way of training the body/mind that incorporates a full body moving together, resulting in complete exercise. Benefits the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems resulting in increased strength, stamina, endurance, power, and vitality. A true “game changer.”
“In The Zone” Mindset
A program that allows you to shift your thoughts to release the negative “chatter” and limited beliefs to a conscious choice that leads to empowerment and confidence. Develop the mindset of a Champion.
Life Coaching
Successful people, whether in business, sports, or life in general, have a coach that helps them reach the next level. Kinney Wellness offers coaching to catapult you to your greatness.
Health and Well-Being
Coaching Focuses on the nourishment of the body and thought to create an optimal lifestyle.
Workshops & Retreats
Available to strengthen your new way of being.
Additional Services
Weight loss and/or developing healthy habits and optimizing lifestyle programs. I have teamed up with Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson and his food program, which comes with a Health Coach(me), access to nutritionists, dieticians, webinars/calls, and a support team to assist in achieving optimal health and weight. For more information, go to: kinneywellness.optavia.com